Hi There,

Star Photographers were very lucky to photograph "A Wild Night with Bear Grylls - Live Show" and also got to meet Bear at the VIP Meet & Greet cocktail party before the show started at 7pm, CBS Arena, Christchurch.
The VIP tickets included: Getting to meet Bear and having a photo taken with him, a signed Bear Grylls Book, a lovely meal and refreshments.
The show was amazing, entertaining and funny hosted by our very own Fight of the Concord funny man Rhys Darby.
Bear Grylls entered the stage by dropping down from the ceiling via a large power cable from the lighting rig above.
Rhys Darby and Bear Grylls
chatted casually about his life story, world record attemps, T.V Show
{Man vs Wild} and personal goals illustrated with slide-shows of his
achievements and personal interviews by his friends and family.
It was an honest and down to earth Bear that had the audience glued to their seats, telling tales of danger and adventure.
It was especially fun for the kids with Bear inviting some lucky hopefuls up on stage to taste stange wild bugs and getting to ask him their personal questions.
The finale was exciting with Bear
inviting the whole Halswel Scout troop up on stage and saying good
bye, setting off a resuce flare and using a rope ladder exiting the
stage via the lighting rig again with Rhys Darby doing his best helicoper special effect using the microphone.
It was a truly wonderful and inspirational evening!! + a real bonus to get to photograph and meet Bear Grylls
Link to Bear Grylls Live
Kind Regards, Dean Norrie - Star Photographers - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686

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Christchurch Wedding Photographers - Dean Norrie - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686
Hi There,
The Star Photographers team were very lucky once again to get to photograph the "Fight For Christchurch" Charity Event 2012 at CBS Arena, Christchurch, 30th November 2012.
Hosted by 3 of New Zealand's best - Brendan Pongia, Haley Holt and Leigh Hart.
was a night of celebrity and glamour with big names like Gold Medalist
Olympian Sofi Pasco, All Black Andrew Ellis and Radio & T.V man
Jason Gunn attending.
It was an amazing event with pyrotechnics, pre fight build ups, great fights, entertainment and music.
Fight For Christchurch
is Justin Wallace's brain child to give back to Christchurch's needy
Charities and from humble beginnings in April 2010 at Cowles Stadium
$38,000 was raised, in 2011 $120,000 was raised and to this years
whopping $135,000!! Well Done Justin.
The night was full of
excitement an introduction of Loud Pyrotechnics, Tron Dancers with
Mirror Ball Man being lowered from the ceilings lighting rig, the grande
entrance of the celebrity hosts Brendan & Haley in Hot Rod's and
Man of the People Leigh Hart running out of the changing rooms as a
pumped up fighter with his entourage of hotties.
The fights were
of the highest standard with 3 rounds of 2 minutes, the contenders had
prepared well putting on the greatest spectaclel!
The Charity
Auction raised $35,000 on the night, with a beautiful boxed
mountaineering Ice pick signed by Sir Edmund Hillary going for a massive
A Big Glove Competition was held with 2 people from the
audience slugging it out for 2 rounds of 20 seconds using huge boxing
The best coustume went to a man dressed as a Mexican Fighting Hero.
Grande Finale also amazing with more pyrotechnics, entertainment by
emerging rock band "The Make Believe" and talented singer Laural
The after party was held at The Christchurch Casino, It looked like it was going to be a banging good night.
It was a truly brilliant evening!!
Link to Fight For Christchurch web-site
Kind Regards, Dean Norrie - Star Photographers - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686

What an excellent night!!
Cheers Dean Norrie - Star Photographers - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686
Star Photographers - Client Gallery - PLEASE CLICK HERE
Star Photographers Yellow Pages Video
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Christchurch Wedding Photographers - Dean Norrie - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686