Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christchurch Photographer Dean Norrie has visited more than 50 Countries and was nick named Uncle Travelling Dean - Images Display at C1 Espresso Cafe

Christchurch Photographer Dean Norrie has visited more than 50 Countries and was nick named Uncle Travelling Dean - Images Display at C1 Espresso Cafe High St, Christchurch

Hi There,

Yes before I set up Star Photographers Ltd 5 years ago I worked for Cruise Ship Company's ie P&O Princess, Royal Caribbean and Sun Cruises for over 4 years managing the Photography Departments onboard {on some ships there was up to 14 Photographers working at Sea}. Well my Brother Shane Norrie nick named me Uncle Travelling Dean {like Fraggle Rock's Uncle Travelling Matt} and being good friends with Sam Crofskey at C1 Espresso Cafe on High Street, Christchurch I used one of his C1 Stickers and took photos of famous land marks and places, then posting them back to him {Sam framed them and displayed them in his Cafe C1}. The C1 Espresso Cafe is now Closed and still in the red zone due to the Christchurch Earthquake on 22nd February 2011.

Here are some of the images I sent to Sam that were displyed in his Cafe.


Kind Regards, Dean Norrie - Star Photographers - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686

Christchurch Wedding Photographers - Star Photographers - FREE PHONE: 0800 174 686



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